LAGA Family

The LAGA Family is less than a dozen activists. An NGO without a single vehicle. In a world of multi-nationals among the conservation industry giants, LAGA is proud to be small and slim. 

Tah Eric Kaba

Tah Eric Kaba is the Deputy Director and Head of External Relations of LAGA, has worked in several places "I first came into contact with the serious problem of wildlife extinction orchestrated by greedy illegal wildlife traders some few years back when I had to go on mission shortly after volunteering to work with the Communication Department of LAGA. When I arrived Abong Mbang, a small town located at some 150 kilometers from Yaounde the capital of Cameroon that evening, I was on my first field assignment with the Communication Department of LAGA. I had to shoot photos of gorilla parts that had been butchered from a poached gorilla. I stared at the head that had been chopped off the gorilla and it stared back with a still blank stare.  My stare was alive and his dead. It had been smoked and stored in a deep freezer ready for trade. Since then I have been fighting this illegal trade while learning and understanding other problems of our society. Other problems which must be equally confronted. It takes just the efforts of one determined and committed citizen to make a change". 


Egbe Anna Etaka

Egbe Anna Etaka is the Head of the Media Department of LAGA. "There is an adage that says: “A journey of thousand miles begins with a step”. LAGA is a step to my career journey. Working with LAGA is altogether a great experience. The sense of working as a family though from different cultural and social backgrounds makes the work sphere a home. The activities carried out by LAGA to ensure the protection of endangered wildlife species is just awesome. What strikes me the most is the return of the four gorillas to Cameroon from South Africa. The event was a remarkable one to me not just as an observer but as a participatory observant. Seeing how much value was attributed to these animals at the Douala International Airport, the calibre of people that came from different parts of the world to commemorate the event left me speechless on how much importance is given to these animals. I then realised how passionate I should embrace the fight though as a linguist. I became even more passionate when I covered the rescue baby gorilla at the Mvogbetsi zoo". 


Arrey Emmanuel Enow

Arrey Emmanuel Enow, is the Interim Director. "Volunteerism and activism is a part of me and these ties with the philosophy of LAGA which has kept me realizing my objectives. In my tradition, we believe in totems and these totems are endangered species. Protecting the endangered species is like protecting my tradition and conserving my culture. I believe to spend as much time as I can with the wonderful LAGA family where everyone wants to see a collective growth".


Ebammi Ehawe Loveline

Ebammi Loveline, is a legal adviser. "The protection of wildlife species facing extinction is the duty of all citizens in the world. As such, neither the wickedness of poachers nor cunning and audacity of traffickers or even corruption of certain administrative authorities can curb our enthusiasm for the protection of wildlife species threatened with extinction. We have as objective to preserve our wildlife heritage. It is, therefore, our responsibility to protect the interests of present and future generations which LAGA gives us the privilege to bring in our own contribution".


Herve Koundou Amang

Herve Koundou Amang, is a legal adviser. "To protect wildlife is to protect human beings because it will be almost impossible for us to survive on this earth without them".


Bi Unice

Bi Unice is the Management Assistant of LAGA. "It is the last straw that breaks the camel’s back; it’s the strategies put in place to track down traffickers coupled with it coordinated teamwork and technique which is so unique. Each time I vision the future with no elephants, gorillas chimps, etc for my daughter and other children in the world to see, it greatly motivates my engagement in wildlife law enforcement. I am honoured to be part of this venture".


Ofir Drori

Ofir Drori, "The man in black fighting for apes" is the Founder and Director of LAGA. An Israeli by everything and a human rights activist in Africa who out of the desire to be a contributing factor in Africa, after spending years in different African forest areas, decided to start LAGA. "Seeing the problem in Cameroon made me stop everything to try and be a part of changing reality in Africa".