Investigators, undercover agents and informers gather precise information so that dealers in meat and the products of threatened species can be arrested in the act, producing concrete evidence for the courts.

LAGA technically assists MINFOF and the Forces of Law and Order to arrest violators and to channel complaint reports to the courts. LAGA closely supervises operations in the field. 


LAGA formed a legal team to assist in the administrative procedures of prosecuting the first wildlife cases known in the courts of Cameroon.

LAGA puts newsflashes into national TV news, national radio news and written press concerning the success of the operations and positive court rulings. The Cameroonian media informs the public that the law is actively enforced, thereby achieving education of the public on the change, increasing deterrent, and classification of the illegal trade in endangered wildlife as criminal.


LAGA is the first Wildlife Law Enforcement NGO in Africa and unique in the world in its approach and activities, working in close collaboration with Governments.

LAGA started with a baseline of Zero prosecutions under the wildlife law in almost all the countries of West and Central Africa. Zero is quite a strong baseline that was kept stable for a decade with existence of sufficient laws.

Today LAGA has built legitimacy for a new model of interaction between an NGO and Government. Seven months after its registration LAGA brought about the first wildlife prosecution in Cameroon. From 2006, every week a major illegal wildlife dealer has been arrested, around 87% of these are behind bars from the moment of arrest with no bail granted. Prosecutions are satisfying and have reached the maximum jail term of 3 years. Damages awarded have reached $200,000 for a wildlife case. Media efforts result every year in 365 media pieces put on TV, radio and written press - one per day.

The Government of Cameroon is one of the few parties of CITES (the UN Convention on Trade in Endangered Species) to include an NGO on the delegation and went further to nominate LAGA for the Bavin international Award. An award LAGA received by the Secretary General of the convention

LAGA was commended for its achievements in wildlife law enforcement and for its impact in the larger context through various recommendation letters.

EAGLE Network

Experience from Cameroon has proven that enforcing existing wildlife laws and providing measurable standards for the effectiveness of the enforcement, that is the number of significant wildlife traffickers arrested and serving a deterring punishment, is possible. Unfortunately baseline for this indicator is still zero in many countries in the Central and Western African Sub-regions highlighting the need for the extension of the LAGA model. The model has already been set up in eight other countries, forming EAGLE Network, starting with the PALF project in Congo Brazzaville and AALF project in Gabon under the NGO Conservation Justice. AALF-B operates in Benin since 2014 under Nature Tropicale, EAGLE Togo, EAGLE Senegal and EAGLE Côte d’Ivoire are the latest members of the Network. Meanwhile, Uganda and Burkina Faso are in the process of preparation.


The LAGA - MINFOF Collaboration

 The Last Great Ape organization (LAGA) was born because the survival of Africa’s great apes demanded urgent action. Without it, the great apes and many other endangered species will soon become extinct. LAGA was registered in Israel in December 2002 and operates in Cameroon. It is a field-based organization designed to establish the effective enforcement of local wildlife law that is critical to the survival of the threatened animals.

The Cameroonian Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife (MINFOF) made the courageous decision to go ahead with a pilot project in collaboration with LAGA. The collaboration seeks to create a successful model that will provide the missing ingredient in the wildlife conservation formula: creating a deterrent factor.

LAGA is the first specialized Law Enforcement NGO in the sub-region. It focuses on threatened species and mainly on the dealers, the primary generators of the illegal bushmeat business, the ivory trade and the pet trade.



Activity report January 2025

Activity report January 2025
The Deputy Director returned to the country following a two-month mission to Cote d�Ivoire where he assisted the project following the departure of the Coordinator. He assisted the Team in all the departments and while managing the project for the brief period. An Interim Assistant Coordinator was appointed in Abidjan and he shall continue to assist the Team until a new Coordinator is appointed.

Annual report 2024

Annual report 2024
The early part of the year was very challenging but improvements were made during the second half of the year and 16 traffickers, mostly ivory traffickers, were arrested. 69% of those arrested stayed behind bars from the early stages of the prosecution process. A majority of those arrested were trafficking in elephant tusks. 10 ivory traffickers were charged the cases are in court. 2 ape traffickers who were arrested in April "escaped" from gendarmerie custody and the investigations are still ongoing to get them rearrested. In another matter, 3 traffickers, including a military sub-officer, who were arrested in November 2024 were presented at the military tribunal and the matter sent back to the gendarmerie for further investigations. 5 traffickers were found guilty and 3 traffickers given prison sentences and ordered to pay fines and or damages. A mandrill trafficker was given 4 months' jail term and an ivory trafficker was also sentenced to 4 months in prison in December. Both punishments were very weak and disappointing. In total, the courts ordered the payment of damages totaling 8,240,000 FCFA (about $16,480$) to MINFOF. Media exposure was at a rate of a media piece for every 2 days.

Second semester report 2024

Many achievements were recorded in LAGA�s collaboration with the Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife (MINFOF) despite several challenges posed during the period July to December 2024. These achievements were obtained in the fields of investigation, arrest, prosecution, media exposure, government relations and international activities. Focus was on the fight against the illegal wildlife trade; principally trafficking in elephant tusks. The EAGLE network�s Central Coordination Unit (CCU) continued to provide vital technical and organisation support that facilitated several operations resulting in the of arrests 13 traffickers. 13 major traffickers were arrested at a rate of one for every two weeks and 69% stayed behind bars from the day of arrest. 10 new cases were brought to the courts. 3 traffickers were found guilty and handed either prison sentences or fines and damages during 2 court judgements passed. Damages amounted to some 1,200, 000 FCFA (about $2400). awarded to Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife (MINFOF). The EAGLE network achieved some good results as 40 traffickers were arrested across 4 countries during the 6-month period. In order to provide a deterrent effect across the Network, 720 media pieces were published in national media.


The LAGA Family is less than a dozen activists. An NGO without a single vehicle. In a world of multi-nationals among the conservation industry giants, LAGA is proud to be small and slim.  Follow this link